Freysteinson, W.M. (2015). An intervention for the postmastectomy mirror experience. International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, (3), 4, 174-175. doi:10.15296/ijwhr.2015.37 (invited article)

Freysteinson, W. M., Deutsch, A., Davin, K., Lewis, C., Sisk, A., Sweeney, L., Wuest, L., & Cesario, S.K. (2015). The mirror program: preparing women for the post-operative mirror viewing experience. Nursing Forum, 50(4), 252-257.  doi: 10.1111/nuf.12108

Freysteinson, W.M., Lewis, C. Sisk, A., Wuest, L., Deutsch, A.S., & Cesario, S. K. (2013). Investigator reflections: a final debriefing following emotionally sensitive mirror research. Holistic Nursing Practice, 27(3),177-184. doi:10.1097/HNP.0b013e31828a0968

Freysteinson, W.M. (2012). Use of mirrors as a nursing intervention to promote patients’ acceptance of a new body image. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(5),533-536. doi: 10.1188/12.CJON.533-536 (Invited article)

Freysteinson, W.M., Deutsch, A.S., Lewis, C. Sisk, A., Wuest, L. & Cesario, S. K. (2012). The experience of viewing self in the mirror after a mastectomy. Oncology Nursing Forum,39(4),361-369. doi: 10.1188/12.ONF.361-369